Smart Grids: A European Regulatory Perspective
In Europe, the regulatory approach to innovation and smart grid development is an enduring topic, that also seems to be relevant to Canada […]
Introduction The broad concept of “independence” in the context of regulatory tribunals may be widely understood at an intuitive level. However, understanding the meaning of independence – identifying the content of the concept and applying it in specific circumstances – […]
Introduction Electricity markets necessarily involve complex interfaces between participants’ price/quantity bids and the extensive rules and processes needed to operate the system in a manner that balances supply with demand on a real-time basis. This can result in opportunities for […]
Introduction As countries around the world struggle to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and diversify their power supply, many governments have invested significant capital and resources into wind, solar and related renewable electricity generation sources. The International Energy Agency […]
On December 16, 2013, Ontario’s Minister of Energy, Bob Chiarelli, directed the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) to develop a competitive procurement process for new large-scale renewable projects focusing on bid price, proponent experience, financial capability and site due diligence. The […]
“Smart grid” is defined as the application of information systems to the electricity system. A smarter grid means everybody has to get smarter, including utilities. Being smart means weighing benefits, costs, and risk. It means focus on scale and scope. […]
Introduction This coming fall—November 18, 2014—will mark ten years since the Supreme Court of Canada released two seminal decisions on the Crown’s duty to consult Aboriginal peoples: Haida Nation v. British Columbia (Minister of Forests), 2004 SCC 73 and Taku […]
Introduction Rate setting for local distribution companies (LDCs) is often a labor-intensive task for both regulators and LDCs. In Canada, most regulators use some form of rate of return regulation, which involves rate setting mechanism that require very complex and […]