2014 was a tumultuous year for the energy industry in Canada. The year saw the continued growth of high cost renewables, the collapse of oil prices, and a sudden increase in the number of crude by rail shipments. It was […]
Introduction My mandate in this paper is to address 2014 developments in administrative law that are of interest to the energy regulation community. Rather than attempt to assess the impact of the entire range of administrative law developments of potential […]
Introduction This paper describes a range of current practices, priorities, trends and aspirations among selected administrative tribunals, particularly in Ontario, in relation to electronic evidence, and electronic litigation, based on a recent, informal survey.1 What is readily apparent is that […]
The past year saw noteworthy developments around the regulation of mergers and acquisitions in the electricity sector in both Ontario and Alberta. The energy regulators of those provinces each considered the approval of significant acquisitions of utilities within their respective […]
Coldwater Indian Band et al v The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development et al was heard and decided on November 25, 2014.1 The Federal Court of Appeal overturned the Federal Court’s decision to allow, in part, a judicial […]